
I’m not sure about you, but a number of times during my corporate life, I walked out of a performance review thinking: “Well that was a waste of everyone’s time”, and sadly I hear from many employees in the businesses I work with that they’ve experienced the same sentiment, hence,...

Have you noticed how good Not For Profits often are at defining a Vision statement that their stakeholders can engage with? Why is that do you think?It's usually because NFP orgn's are formed in the first place to benefit their audience; not just themselves, the management team. A great example...

IMHO, your business Vision statement is a succinct and inspirational way to tell others what you want your stakeholders – that is your clients or customers, staff, suppliers, partners and others - to feel and or experience, when they use your products or services.   A reminder: your Vision is...

October 28, 2022

Know yourself first Whenever I start working with clients whether it’s to assist them clarify and progress towards achieving their own personal, team or business goals, I always start with getting to know them and uncover how well they know themselves. Why is this important? Over many years working with...